Monday, October 15, 2012

How does Volcano Reflects Environment

  The volcano has seperated three types of the Volcano, one is dormant Volcano doesn't active temporarily it doesn't change a lot by erosion. the another one is active volcano the magma keeps outbrusting, the last one is extinct volcano it doesn't move at all. Most researchers are care about there will have a serious problem if the dormant is regaining consciousness.   


A volcano is a place on the Earth's surface (or any other planet's or moon's surface) where molten rock, gases and pyroclastic debris erupt through the earth's crust. Volcanoes vary quite a bit in their structure - some are cracks in the earth's crust where lava erupts, and some are domes, shields, or mountain-like structures with a crater at the summit.
Magma is molten rock within the Earth's crust. When magma erupts through the earth's surface it is called lava. Lava can be thick and slow-moving or thin and fast-moving. Rock also comes from volcanoes in other forms, including ash (finely powdered rock that looks like dark smoke coming from the volcano), cinders (bits of fragmented lava), and pumice (light-weight rock that is full of air bubbles and is formed in explosive volcanic eruptions - this type of rock can float on water). Volcanic eruptions can cause great damage and the loss of life and property. The Word Volcano:
The word volcano comes from the Roman god of fire, Vulcan. Vulcan was said to have had a forge (a place to melt and shape iron) on Vulcano, an active volcano on the Lipari Islands in Italy.

Extreme Volcanoes:
The largest volcano on Earth is Hawaii's Mauna Loa. Mauna Loa is about 6 miles (10 km) tall from the sea floor to its summit (it rises about 4 km above sea level). It also has the greatest volume of any volcano, 10,200 cubic miles (42,500 cubic kilometers). The most active volcano in the continental USA is Mt. St. Helens (located in western Washington state). The largest volcano in our Solar System is perhaps Olympus Mons on the planet Mars. This enormous volcano is 17 miles (27 km) tall and over 320 miles (520 km) across.
Reference: (

  This article writes the details of the volcano how the mountain create the radition, it will influence human's body. If people get too much, the gene will change. In the world war 2 American goverment attack enemy by nucleus in Vietnam.  It gives a big sequela to the local resident, people's body looks different from other country's people. Many people got the disease after the war. If the big volcano mountain is outbrusting, the environment will cover a lot of radition. The researcher indicated that they can not predict how long we should wait before the radition vanish. The another important thing is we have to avoid getting wet in the rainn because the wheather has already got pollution. the rain is not healthy for our body, it makes people balding easily.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

How does Radioactive Pollution Influence with Environment

How does Radioactive Pollution Influence with Environment

  Recently the Radioactive pollution have been a seruous problem, the expert proves it can affect people when they are growing up. The big issue is that how does pollution happen? Is that making by human or natural? Most people believe that when our teachology becomes usual, it means we will have more Radiation. Everything in our lives are relating to the radiation for example cellphone, labtop, microwave...and so on. These things can not leave from us, it will influences our healthy easily. Some scholars think the volcano is the most important things we need to focus. If the volcanic eruption heppened, it will make a lot radions. The simple one will stay in the stratosphere around two years, but the more serious one remain will remain above 10 years. 

The photo appears how much radiation in the universal, the earth has been protected by the atomospheric. But the atomospheric has destroyed, it let radition get into earth easily. If people get too much Radation, it will have a lot of problems. People's healthy and gene will change. 


Radioactive pollution and its effects on human beings

What is Radioactive Pollution?

Radioactive pollution can be defined as the emission of high energy particles or radioactive substance into air, water or land due to human activities in the form of radioactive waste. Radioactive waste is usually the product of a nuclear process such as nuclear fission, which is extensively used in nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons and other nuclear fuel-cycles.
The radioactivity of nuclear waste diminishes with time. That means the waste needs to be isolated from the reach of living beings until it no longer pose a threat to living beings. This time period may take from days to months and to years depending upon the radioactive nature of the waste.
Radioactive Pollution by Nuclear ExplosionRadioactive pollution that is spread through the earth’s atmosphere is called “Fallout”. The atmospheric nuclear pollution become prominent during the world war 2 period when United States, Britain and Soviet Union started conducting nuclear tests in the atmosphere. The best example of fallout is the nuclear bomb attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in 1945 by United States of America during world war 2.
As a result of nuclear bomb attack, nearly 2,25,000 people had died as a result of long-term exposure to radiation from the bomb blast within 5 years of attack due to radiation effect and cancer.
In land and water, the major source of radioactive pollution remains with the nuclear fuel cycle. The nuclear fuel cycle is used in nuclear power plants, extraction and refinement of materials from nuclear substance to be used in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons, where the contaminants are left behind after the useful material (Nuclear Isotope) is extracted.  

  In the article tells us how the radition reflect to human, and it reports a few serious problems happened before. In 1945 American military use nucleon attack Japanese land, it makes a lot radition . Many people had died from the bomb, people who born here is easy to get cancer, or the gene mutation. people are afraid living in this city, the environment takes over 5 years to recovery.